For the last 30 years Surya Exports has been taking part in international trade fairs such as Heimtextil and Ambiente held in Frankfurt. Apart from these trade fairs Surya Exports also takes part in the Indian Gifts and Handicrafts Fair organized by the Exports Promotions Council of handicrafts. Follow the page to know about our future participation.

Heimtextil is the worlds leading fair for home textiles held in Frankfurt Germany. Getting participants from all around the world. Surya Exports has been taking part in Heimtextil since 1990. Meet us at the 2023 Edition - Hall 10.1 Stand A45

Ambiente held in Frankfurt Germany is the premier trade fair for decorative items and textiles. Surya Exports has been taking part in Ambiente since 1970. Meet us at the 2023 edition - Hall 10.3 Stand A67

Surya Exports has been participating in IHGF since its inaugural edition. Surya Exports takes part in both editions of IHGF held in February and October. The fair is held in Expo mart in Noida India.